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Going Cloudy Part 1 - The Beginning

If you believe the hype, “Cloud” is the future and everything will end up there eventually. It’s easy to think that “Cloud” is just another term for deploying your applications and services on virtual servers hosted in someone else’s data center, mainstream media make this mistake all the time. Making full use of the cloud, in my opinion anyway, is architecting and designing your system to ta...

If you believe the hype, “Cloud” is the future and everything will end up there eventually. It’s easy to think that “Cloud” is just another term for deploying your applications and services on virtual servers hosted in someone else’s data center, mainstream media make this mistake all the time. ...

My experience of Windows 8

I think it’s fair to say that Windows 8 has been the most controversial and negatively received OS since Vista. Every mention of Windows 8 invokes cries about the Metro UI and how the OS is a schizophrenic nightmare. Occasionally, amongst these voices will be a quiet statement of “it’s not that bad once you get used to it”. That little voice isn’t far wrong. That’s not to say that after using...

I think it’s fair to say that Windows 8 has been the most controversial and negatively received OS since Vista. Every mention of Windows 8 invokes cries about the Metro UI and how the OS is a schizophrenic nightmare. Occasionally, amongst these voices will be a quiet statement of “it’s not that b...

EWS Post 2 of n - Finding Folders

The EWS SDK can be found here. I suggest using Linqpad to run these code snippets as that is where they are being written. Just add a reference to C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange\Web Services\2.0\Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll and a using statement for Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data and you’re good to go. Part 2 of n in my EWS series, this time covering finding folders. This is ...

The EWS SDK can be found here. I suggest using Linqpad to run these code snippets as that is where they are being written. Just add a reference to C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange\Web Services\2.0\Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll and a using statement for Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Dat...

EWS Post 1 of n - Sending an email

I’ve been digging in to the basics of using Exchange Web Services recently and thought it worthy of a few blog posts. These won’t be the perfectly crafted literary masterpieces of the Hanselmans of the world, but rather brain farts and code dumps to play with. The EWS SDK can be found here. I suggest using Linqpad to run these code snippets as that is where they are being written. Just add a...

I’ve been digging in to the basics of using Exchange Web Services recently and thought it worthy of a few blog posts. These won’t be the perfectly crafted literary masterpieces of the Hanselmans of the world, but rather brain farts and code dumps to play with. The EWS SDK can be found here. I s...

Speeding up Azure debugging your MVC application

When debugging an application that is intended for an Azure Web Role, you debug using the Compute and Storage emulators in order to give you a realistic Azure experience. These tools used to take a long time to initialize on Build, meaning debugging your app could take significantly longer than normal. Even though the tools have become a lot quicker, there is still an additional delay when debu...

When debugging an application that is intended for an Azure Web Role, you debug using the Compute and Storage emulators in order to give you a realistic Azure experience. These tools used to take a long time to initialize on Build, meaning debugging your app could take significantly longer than n...

Server 8, Win 8 and VS 11 - first impressions

It’s been a busy week for Microsoft, releasing the first Beta of Windows Server 8, the Consumer Preview of Windows 8, and the beta of Visual Studio 11. But have the changes they’ve made been positive ones? These are my first impressions. Server 8 After experiencing a hiccup with Virtualbox involving only having one CPU assigned to the VM, the install of the Core configuration took less than 1...

It’s been a busy week for Microsoft, releasing the first Beta of Windows Server 8, the Consumer Preview of Windows 8, and the beta of Visual Studio 11. But have the changes they’ve made been positive ones? These are my first impressions. Server 8 After experiencing a hiccup with Virtualbox invo...

A future Asus hit surely

Two posts in one day, yep, I’m bored and flash Pool can only eat up so much time. This has apparently been rumoured for a while but has thus far managed to escape my attention. Asus will be releasing a phone that is also a tablet. Add on the keyboard from their Transformer Tablet cum laptop and you’ve got a phone, a tablet, and a small laptop. It’s called the Padfone, not the most original pr...

Two posts in one day, yep, I’m bored and flash Pool can only eat up so much time. This has apparently been rumoured for a while but has thus far managed to escape my attention. Asus will be releasing a phone that is also a tablet. Add on the keyboard from their Transformer Tablet cum laptop and ...

Android - Unable to update apps on SD Card

I’ve had my HTC Desire for over a year now and, among the many bugs and annoyances that seem to be sneaking their way in to my daily phone-using experience, the most annoying is the recent inability to update any apps I have on my SD Card. Due to the diminutive size of the Desire’s internal storage, ALL of my apps are on the SD Card, making this quite a large problem. My solution up until now ...

I’ve had my HTC Desire for over a year now and, among the many bugs and annoyances that seem to be sneaking their way in to my daily phone-using experience, the most annoying is the recent inability to update any apps I have on my SD Card. Due to the diminutive size of the Desire’s internal stora...

Simple Search MVC

Introduction This article introduces some simple code which allows easy addition of search functionality which can be used to search any objects (files, .net classes) and display the search results together in a single view. Background This demo is presented in ASP.NET MVC so basic MVC knowledge would be useful, although this solution could be applied in other .net environments. Using the c...

Introduction This article introduces some simple code which allows easy addition of search functionality which can be used to search any objects (files, .net classes) and display the search results together in a single view. Background This demo is presented in ASP.NET MVC so basic MVC knowled...